
We make travel easy by packing a bag for you and sending it to your destination.
Get your time back!

Why Use VoyageLightly

We believe free time provides a universe of potential.
Allow us to help you regain some free time by managing your bags.
You have important things to do, and baggage doesn't have to be one of them.

How it Works

You tell us the details of your upcoming trip and what you'll needWe pack a bag with the stuff you'll needYour bag will be waiting for your when you arriveWe'll have someone pick it up when you depart

What Customers are Saying

"I used to spend upwards of an hour packing, 30 minutes unpacking, stressing TSA, stressing overhead room, and schlepping my luggage all around in the beginning and tail end of a trip. Not any more. Thanks, VoyageLightly!"
- Corey A.

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© 2017 VoyageLightly.

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